Wildhunde No-Pull K9 Lifeline Transitional Leash

  • $47.95
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Handmade in the USA by the amazing company "K9 Lifeline/Heathers Heroes", Their patented K9 Lifeline Transitional Leash®, newly renamed the Sidekick by Heathers Heroes, is the most innovative and gentle dual purpose no pull training leash available! With every leash made and sold, a portion of the sales is invested by K9 Lifeline into their rescue dog training programs. Have your dog walks turned into your dog walking you? Then its time to invest in a No-Pull Leash!

This no pull training leash easily transitions from head halter to slip lead, helping turn a pulling dog into a calm companion.

The soft round rope does not cut into the muzzle like other flat head style collars, causing far less discomfort and making it easier to condition your dog to happily wear their new leash. Pressure is dissipated around the side of the head giving you control while not putting too much pressure on your dogs neck or muzzle, again creating a far safer yet very effective walking tool.

The best way to use your new no-pull leash is in conjunction with a reward based training program! We highly recommend using loads of treats to introduce your dogs new walking leash and make it a positive experience for them and for you!


Regular size (3/8" in diameter) - 8kg + Dogs ( We recommend the light size for dogs under 12kg)
The Light size (1/4" in diameter), 0-12kg puppies and adult dogs

The leashes are 6 feet long with a 10-inch handle. Your Sidekick will come with a safety.

Please contact a trainer when introducing a walking aide.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

So easy to put on my pooch and stops her from pulling.


Because it was very well deserved.